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Sunday, November 29, 2009

Great Web Resources for Teachers of Students with Visual Impairments

Well, the Best in Tech 2009 was a fantastic event (thank you NFB and Center for the Partially Sighted)! I came away realizing how much I need to learn about the newest technologies for people with visual impairments. It's hard to keep up with all that's available, but thanks to the efforts of many visually impaired computer users, you can listen to some great online mp3 podcasts.

Here are a few links to try out with lots of great listening articles: Learn more about the iPhone and Mac accessibility, audio information about the healthcare bill, directions on how to make a braille picture of a pumpkin, and so much more! I'm still discovering all the podcasts on this page--there's really something for everyone. Here's where you'll find Joseph Lee's great podcasts about all things related to the BrailleNote. For anyone thinking about diving into the world of the Mac with a less expensive Mac Mini, there are two extensive podcasts that go over all of its features, by a blind user who has never used a Mac before. This is a great podcast series, because it includes all of the stops and starts of setting up a Mac computer for the first time (including the frustrating moments when the Mac doesn't start--turns out it wasn't plugged correctly). Oh, those IT people are saying, "Told you so!" Try Tech Chat 41 – Assembling a Portable Computer, Screen Reader and Reading Solution for Under $1,000, Tech Chat 42 Self-employment and Working From Home, or Tech Chat 39 Twitter 101 (maybe this will help you understand what "tweeting" is all about (in 140 characters or less). Shane Jackson's blog has lots of audio podcasts, as well; mostly Mac accessibility related. He has a great step-by-step podcast on installing Snow Leopard. Shane has been such a Mac proponent for blind computer users that he is now working in an Apple Store in Alabama. He is the go-to person when ANYONE comes in the Apple Store wanting to know about the iPhone or the MacBook.

Think we work in a low incidence field? You may not think so after checking out these two websites (they have an unbelievable number of links about or for people with visual impairments): (this site has links to many great podcasts by Dr. Bill Takeshita--look for the link "Low Vision Technology"

Well, these should keep you going for awhile--Happy Holidays and enjoy browsing and listening!