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Thursday, February 25, 2010

Tips to Keep Your Windows Machine Running

This week, our "Malware Maven," Anita, gave a great demonstration of a couple of ways to keep Windows computers running smoothly. Here are two tips she gave us at our meeting:
1. Install CCleaner (free download from ). Here's the description from CNET's website: "CCleaner is a freeware system optimization, privacy and cleaning tool. It removes unused files from your system - allowing Windows to run faster and freeing up valuable hard disk space. It also cleans traces of your online activities such as your Internet history. Additionally it contains a fully featured registry cleaner." Think of it as a house cleaning for your computer.
2. Run the Defragmenter program that comes with Windows. You can find it by pressing the Windows key--then P for Programs, A for Accessories, S for System Tools, and D until you get to Disk Defragmenter; then press Enter. Choose the Analyze button, and Disk Defragmenter will evaluate whether you need to defrag or not. See the screenshot below:

Thanks so much, Anita, for working your magic to keep the computers in the V.I. classrooms running!

Got Fonts?

Here's a link to a great resource for fonts for your computer (Windows and Mac). Most of them are free (or free for personal use), and there are directions on the website explaining how to download and install them on your computer. There are tons of fonts, everything from school to handwriting to holiday fonts. Thanks to Venessa for sharing the site with me! I took a quick screenshot of just a few of the fonts you can download.