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Wednesday, October 17, 2007

How to Enlarge the Screen On a Mac

Well, most of our software for students who have limited vision or are blind is only for Windows computers. But what if you have a student who's in a classroom where there are only Macs available? If the computers have OS10.3 or above (you'll see a little blue apple in the upper left of the display), then here's what you can do for those students who have limited vision.
1. Click on the blue apple in upper left. Click on System Preferences.

2. Click on the Universal Access icon (blue circle with stick figure inside).

3. Click on Mouse and Keyboard (Trackpad for laptop) tab. Drag Cursor Size slider to the right to enlarge the cursor/arrow to desired size.

4. Click on Zoom (under "Seeing tab"). This turns it on, but you won't see any change on the display yet. To enlarge the display, press and hold the two keys to the left of the spacebar (alt/option and apple/command keys), then press the + key. To reduce the size, press the same two keys to the left of spacebar, then press the - key.

For students who need high contrast, you can click on Display (under Zoom option) and click on White on Black option. You can adjust the contrast with the slider.

Hope this works for you!

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